
10 May, 2022 | New Products

Loops for belts are small but indispensable accessories.

Ideal for clothing, they can be used in a wide range of sectors, from sportswear to marine and military.

2M has decided to complete its line of loops for belts PSN with a new size of 50mm


  • GTR / Thermoplastic rubber
  • Eventually also available in material Nylon Vo Flame retardant.



Looking for belt loops?

2m-Italia has a large stock of all types of loops for tapes to meet the needs of all users.

From the portal you can easily and quickly find all types of plastic products.

The service offered by 2m-Italia includes the production of belt loops mainly for the B2B market.

2m-Italia offers a wide range of plastic products made of various materials (polyester, acetal, nylon).

It also guarantees technical support to the customer, evaluates and recommends the most suitable type of accessory, in a logic of economic ethics, finding the most suitable solution for each customer.

PSN new

Where to use belt loops

Different plastic accessories are used for different types of products, with the aim of developing high-performance materials and solutions.

During the design phase, when choosing the plastic components, an important factor is to be able to maintain the same style in the accessories, so that the finished product matches the accessories.

2M offers a wide range of products, with an innovative design consistent with the different utilities.

Where to find plastic belt loops

Thanks to our scrupulous attention to product quality, you will have access to good, efficient types of plastic products.

Browse the website and find the one that’s right for you.

2m-Italia’s goal is to help companies with their purchases, which is why we offer alternatives that are closer to each customer’s requirements.

2m-Italia will become your reference point for the purchase of quality thermoplastic materials.

You can check the catalogue here.

2M Italia is available to prepare offers and send samples, contact us for more details